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Welcome to Jagdish Saran Hindu PG College

Jagdish Saran Hindu PG College Amroha was established in 1960 by Sahu Jagdish Saran with the donation of more than one Lac ten thousand rupees and nearly 17 acres of land. Agra University granted affiliation to the college in 7 subjects at Degree level. M. A. classes were started in 1965 in Eng., Pol. Sc., Eco., Sanskrit, Urdu, Edu. and Hindi classes at P.G. level were started in 1972-73. The college continued to make progress and had more than 600 students by 1973 and was affiliated to M. J. P. Rohilkand University, Bareilly in 1975. More rooms were constructed with aid of U.G.C. and donations from Public and members of managing committee. classes were introduced in 1980 and three rooms were constructed on Ist floor with donation money U.G.C. grants were helpful in constructing Labs for Geography and Psychology. N. R. S.C. was constructed to provide sports facilities to the students.…

DR.Veer Virendra Singh
Principal, JSH PG College

Education can transform human life more powerfully than anything else. Since ages, India had the privilege to create knowledge society; Takshshila, Nalanda and Vikramshila Universities being the best testimony of Indian knowledge tradition. As the Vice-Chancellor of MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly,
"Charaiveti, Charaiveti"....

Mr. Yogesh Kumar Jain
Secretary Management Committee

Education can transform human life more powerfully than anything else. Since ages, India had the privilege to create knowledge society; Takshshila, Nalanda and Vikramshila Universities being the best testimony of Indian knowledge tradition. As the Vice-Chancellor of MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, I deem it to be my first and foremost responsibility to create conducive environment in the University campus to generate and transmit the knowledge and fulfil the motto of "Charaiveti, Charaiveti"....

Jagdish Saran Hindu PG College

Secretary Management Committee
Mr. Yogesh Kumar Jain
President Managing Committee
Mr. Sanjay Maliwal
DR.Veer Virendra Singh

Notifications/ Announcements

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