Jagdish Saran Hindu PG College Amroha
A Brief History
Jagdish Saran Hindu PG College Amroha was established in 1960 by Sahu Jagdish Saran with the donation of more than one Lac ten thousand rupees and nearly 17 acres of land. Agra University granted affiliation to the college in 7 subjects at Degree level. M. A. classes were started in 1965 in Eng., Pol. Sc., Eco., Sanskrit, Urdu, Edu. and Hindi classes at P.G. level were started in 1972-73. The college continued to make progress and had more than 600 students by 1973 and was affiliated to M. J. P. Rohilkand University, Bareilly in 1975. More rooms were constructed with aid of U.G.C. and donations from Public and members of managing committee. B.com classes were introduced in 1980 and three rooms were constructed on Ist floor with donation money U.G.C. grants were helpful in constructing Labs for Geography and Psychology. N. R. S.C. was constructed to provide sports facilities to the students.
Now nearly 10,000 students of amroha and surrounding villages are studying in the college (2007-2008), (2700 students S.C., 750 Minorities) and more than 1800 female students in B. A., M. A., B. Sc. M. Sc., B. Com., M. Com., B. Ed. and three Diplomas. The institution serves & helps in the imparting education to the students of those retome villages where there are no degree colleges. The College has arranged 14 national seminars with full intellectual glamour. 600 departmental seminars have been arranged in the last five years. Many students secured top possition in Various Exams.
About Sahu Jagdish Saran Ji
In his birthday celebration (1968) Sahu Jagdish Saran Ji said that a person should think of his duties towards society which is regarded as the biggest family. He quoted the opinion of H.G. wells who asserted that a man naturally gets his rights as he performs his duties. Like ancient Greek and Roman philosophers, he remained a devotee of truth, virtue and non-violence. Like H.D. Thoreau, R.W. Emerson and Gandhi ji, he remained a lover of simplicity and noble means. Had he desired to get physical comforts, he would have achieved the target with his money and assets. Yet, a lover of learning, he planned for impersonal evolution at the cost of personal sacrifice and donated more than one Lac rupees and 18 Bighas of land for the establishment of a degree college at Amroha (1960). But he became popular as a philanthropist with the growth of J.S.H. Intermediate College.
Sahu Sahib donated land for the construction of Govt. Girls Intermediate College and hence can be put in the category of Saint Dayanand Saraswati and Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Born in the family of Lala Ram Prasad Ji, he possessed noble nature and regularly planned for the removal of poverty, backwardness, ignorance and illiteracy. As the women of the town had no hospital, he felt the need of lady doctor and requested the Health Department to send Doctors to start working for the female patients. In 1915, he was adopted by his worthy uncle Lala Kanhaya Lal Ji. He got married in 1917 and continued to think about the terrible results of world wars. He widely travelled (1929-30) in the country so as to offer prayers in various temples. Quite often he used to share his memories of adventures with Babu Sita Ram Ji Gupta, Sri Abhinandan Kuman Jain, Sahu Radhey Shyam Maheshwari, Sahu Khanna Ji, Sahu Kothiwal Ji (Moradabad) and then thought of the aims of higher education. As landlord, he respected the teachers of all sections and paid them the prescribed grades without bothering for his personal future. Very few people know the quantity of gold that he sold for the payment of salaries of teachers. When he departed 1st Jan, 1986, He was rich spiritually and intellectually and not financially. His funeral procession was attended by the people of all sections of society. After a week people came from all the corners of the country to pay tribute to the departed soul. There is no denying the fact that he remains alive in the hearts of guardians, students and teachers even today.
In 1930, he was nominated as member of Welcome Committee in the annual session of Congress held in Moradabad. Unfortunately, he lost his only daughter in 1933 and felt sad at heart. Yet he never lost courage, vigour, zeal and thought about new society with a positive vision. The building of J.S.H. (P.G.) College was constructed under supervision and the masons felt surprised with his advance knowledge of architecture. In 1940, he visited religious places that attracted his soul. Quite often he attended the functions of Arya Samaj as he studied the Vedas, the Gita and Satyarth Prakash. Whatever impressed him; he experimented in life and reached certain conclusions. Whenever he thought of a new project, he discussed the same with his trusted friends and followers and succeeded well. He had the courage to achieve the target come what may. As Nepal temples attracted him, he reached there (1944) to offer prayers to the Almighty God. In 1959, he was admitted in Mission Hospital, Bareilly due to serious illness. He was confined to bed for a few months before he left for heavenly abode. Yet he thought of his duty towards his projects and felt elevated with their success. Like Robert Frost, he felt: I have ‘promises to keep’. Nature could say with a sense of pride – “Here is a man working hard for social welfare.” Indeed, he did the best he could! Due to his secular bent of mind he combined religion with reason and succeeded inspite all hurdles.
The College publishesd two research journals annually and also ‘Chetna’ from the pen of students. Now this college is an establishesd research centre in Arts and Commerce and has produced more than 250 research scholars. The students have the facilities of a huge library which contains 75,000 books worth rupees 57 lacs on differents subjects. The games facilities are available to male and female students and they have excelled others in many items.N.C.C. and N.S.S. units and three gyms are helping the students to serve the nation.At present there are nearly 23 permanent teachers and 45 temporary teachers in differents departments . The science faculty is managed on kailsa road campus but controlled by the same managing committee. Our seminars hall is a glory. Girls hostel & hostel for minority students solves accomodation problem of the students. Every effort is made to improve the teaching standard. Fair exam is conducted every year. Decent furniture is provided to all the students. 15 computers and 4 laptops help the students to get latest data with the help of internet and college website. Canteen serves them tea,snacks etc. With the help of managing committee the college is making regular progess. The college is for general interest on grant-in-aid and not a profit-making project. In the last we would also like to draw your honor’s attention to the fact that this intitution do not belong to any individual or groups of individuals. It is governed by the managing committee, which is elected every three years by more than 550 reputed general body members of Amroha. The managing committee of Amroha keeps on changing every three years.
The fourth-class staff gets two uniforms almost every year. The tours are arranged every year in Geography, Commerce & T.T.M. Students are free to join Computer Labs. The students of Diplomas get jobs after taking the degree. The degree certificates are carefully distributed to the students. S.C., B.C. and E.W. students get all financial assistance in time and records are maintained. Research Journals, Samajik Vigyan, Sublime Tradition & Helicon Views are published annually.
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